Sunday, February 24, 2013

Data-WareHousing Concept


Today, there are competitive and compelling reasons to informate businesses. This desire has led to the emergence of Data Warehousing as an effective decision-making and business intelligence tool.

The data warehouse marketplace has definitely moved beyond its infancy. As of last quarter 1998, there were over one thousand functioning data warehouses in the United States alone. 

Why do we need a DW at all ?

Companies are being virtually driven towards data warehousing due to
·         Fierce competition
·         Increasing customer orientation
·         Need for better informed decisions
·         Emerging trends of doing business over large geographical areas
·         Sheer magnitude of databases in organizations with the growing maturity of IT

It is said that data in an average organization doubles every 3 years and only 7% of this is actually analyzed. Corporates are now realizing they have a tremendous repository of data which they can analyze for informed decision making.

Going deeper into reasons for the emergence of DW technology, we find that DW provides
·         Cost Elimination Benefits (mainly the middleman MIS dept. is eliminated since DW is meant for the end-user - directly)
·         Productivity Enhancements (user can directly query the DW, can create intuitive and interactive reports to aid the analytical thought process)
·         Value Added Decision Making (enables end users to tap information readily and take fast, informed decision so crucial to maintain the competitive edge today)

What is a Data Warehouse ?

According to Bill Inmon, considered to be the originator of the DW concept,

A Data Warehouse is a
·         Subject oriented (organized according to subject, not application)
·         Integrated (data residing in separate environments while moving into the DW acquire consistency and uniformity)
·         Time-variant  (all data in the DW is accurate as of some moment in time, unlike a transaction processing system, where the data is accurate as of the moment of access. So DW data is said to be 'time variant'.
·         Non volatile collection of data (data is loaded into the DW and accessed only there. Once a snapshot of data is made, there is no data updation during normal transaction processing. Periodic updations can be done based on requirement)

that supports the Management Decision-Making Process.

In many ways, the DW is an expression of information systems's fundamental charter; to collect the organization's information and make it useful.

So, a Data Warehouse is a
·         REPOSITORY of historical and current data
·         Stored in an ORGANIZED FORMAT
·         Housed CENTRALLY &SEPARATE from operational/transaction processing systems
·         Through the use of SEVERAL QUERY TOOLS which allow random ad-hoc queries so that Users can "Drill Down" to minute levels of detail

A DW, therefore, is an electronic data store that CLEANSES and TRANSFORMS data obtained from several sources and in many forms to a consistent, uniform format so that users can extract what is relevant to their business needs.

Goals/Objectives of building a DW

 The fundamental goals of a DW can be developed by walking around the halls of any large organization and listening to management talk. The recurring themes heard sound something like this :

"We have mountains of data in this company but we can't get access to it."
"Nothing drives senior management crazier than to have two people present the same business results with different numbers."
"We want to slice and dice the data every which way."
"Just show me what is important."
"Everyone knows that some of the data is not very good."

These concerns are so universal that they drive the bedrock requirements of a DW.

From the above concerns, we can identify the

Goals of a DW

·         Access  - speed, easy to use
·         Data Consistency  -  uniform data definitions, data creation history
·         Data Separation and Combination - slicing and dicing
·         Query, Analysis and Presentation Tool - RDBMS, data - 60%, front end query and analysis tools - 40% of the DW hardware space
·         Publishing used data - cleaned, quality assured data for publishing
·         Driver of Business Re-engineering -
·         To enhance the quality and speed of the decisions made
·         Translate information into business intelligence giving
·         An edge over others in a competitive environment

This is achieved by
·         Analyzing business trends
·         making rational forecasting decisions
·         taking product mix decisions
·         identifying core competencies

A classic example is Wal-Mart, the US based Supermarket chain. With an estimated 1 terabyte of raw data, which is captured on a regular basis from its stores across the World, the DW of Wal-Mart holds approx. 65 weeks of historical data, classified by item, merchandisers, geographies etc. This data is then analyzed to understand buying patterns, inventory carrying patterns etc. which would have a direct impact on the cost structure. This in turn helps the company to remain one of the largest/most profitable chains in the world.

The Basic Data Warehouse Environment

·         The Data Warehouse itself (where data is stored)
·         Source Data Extraction Module (to capture the data from OLTP & transfer to  DW)
·         User Access Software (to query from the DW)
·         Meta Data Repository

Therefore, designers should consider and understand the unique characteristics and requirements of the three components

·         The source systems and extract tools
·         The DW Server (RDBMS and Server hardware)
·         The DW access tools

Qualities of a robust DW

·         Performance
·         Flexibility
·         User-friendliness
·         Ability to manage huge volumes of information
·         Integrate/interface with existing systems on heterogeneous platforms
·         The DW Vendor's commitment on product life
·         Possibility of further enhancements

Three stages of DW usage

·         As a Query, Reporting and MIS tool
·         As an Analysis, Drill Down and DSS tool
·         As Mining, Predictability, Planning and Business Intelligence tool

Characteristics of a DW

·         Secondary , Offline, Read Only sources of data - not transaction based
·         Can be populated from existing Internal operational systems or external data sources
·         Decision Support Systems (DSS) can be directly built on top of OLTP systems, in which case the operational database acts as the DW
·         Primarily used for reporting purposes
·         DW is OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) not OLTP (Online Transaction Processing)
·         Data are organized according to subject NOT application

For Eg. An Insurance company using a DW would organize the data by customer, premium, and claim instead of different products. A typical Insurance company DW would have the data captured in Insurance policies, Loan transactions, Premiums paid data etc. which would be classified into customers and subjects. This type of classification would help the company to analyze which segment of the market prefers which company offering. The data can then be studied from different perspectives like geography-wise, product-wise, income category-wise and thus help design better products according to the needs of the market.

·         It is integrated i.e. data residing in separate applications in the operational environment acquire CONSISTENCY and UNIFORMITY

Essentially, what this means is that as a company grows in size and complexity, the nature of data collected by the company may vary in terms of structure.

·         It attempts to store current and historical data for comparison, trends and forecasting and therefore has a time variance

Data in a DW is not volatile as it is not updated or changed in any way once the data enters the warehouse, but is loaded and accessed later on.

·         It can be used as a DSS or EIS system and SLICING and DICING of data

DSS is a system that provides managers with information they need to make decisions, while EIS is a concise snapshot of how a company is doing. It allows greater flexibility in slicing and dicing data and allows exploration of data through multiple dimensions.


1.      Primary source of information
2.      Online system
3.      Inserts, Updates, Deletes, Selects
4.      Data updation online
5.      Different systems hold different types of data in different formats
6.      Data organized by application

7.      Data typically not integrated
8.      Different naming conventions
9.      Different file formats
10.  Different hardware platforms

11.  Recent or current data(< 90 days) - current values only
12.  No time key, no time series analysis
13.  System resource utilization fairly consistent

1.      Secondary source of information
2.      Offline system
3.      Selects only (Read only)
4.      Data updation periodic
5.      All types of data are integrated into one system
6.      Data organized by dimensions of the business
7.      Data must be integrated
8.      Standard naming conventions
9.      Standard file formats
10.  One Warehouse Server - logical server
11.  Historical Data (2 - 5 years) - historical snapshots of OLTP data
12.   Time Key, Time Series Analysis possible
13.  System resource utilization spiked or uneven

Steps in Data Warehousing

A DW implementation can be broadly divided into
·         Loading
·         Transformation
·         Extraction

Detailed Steps

1.      Subject Definition – determination of which subject will be created and populated in the DW. This could involve various units such as Finance, Sales, HR or broader classifications such as customers, products etc.

2.      Data Acquisition – refers to the program logic that attaches to the operational data store. There are a number of languages that can be used for writing programs that perform data acquisition logic.

3.      Data Transformation - are used to convert and summarize operational data into a consistent, business oriented format, when data is moved into the DW from the operational environment.

4.      Metadata - To provide access to the DW, it is necessary to maintain some form of data which describes the DW. This data about how the data is classified in the DW is called Metadata. Generating both technical and business metadata is critical to the DW. Once the metadata is defined, the data is loaded on to the warehouse structure.

5.      Loading the Warehouse - consists of three processes a) Loading the data already archived (b) Loading of data contained in existing applications and (c) Incremental changes from the operational environment from the last time the data was loaded into the DW. As the DW grows, the only scalable solution is the change data capture. A method must be devised that captures only those data values that changed since the last DW refresh.

6.      Data Exploitation - In the final stage, the data acquired, transformed and loaded is exploited for decision making. A DW is incomplete until it provides Data Exploitation Tools that enable end-users to view, analyze and report on data in ways that support their decision making.  It can be anything to simple query tools and reporting tools to advanced EIS or OLAP. OLAP enables users to fully realize the business potential of enterprise-wide data by delivering access to business data organized along the categories that make sense to the business users. This data is summarized at many levels of detail and probably most important, has history, allowing for the examination of trends, both backwards and forwards.

Key Technology Components of a DW


·         Data Extraction
·         Data Scrubbing
·         Data Transformation
·         Data Modelling

·         RDBMS
·         Management Tools
·         Catalog/repository

·         Managed Query Tools
·         Report Writers
·         Multidimensional Analysis Tools
·         Multidimensional Database Servers
·         Relational Online Analytical Processing Tools (ROLAP)
·         Data Mining Tools
·         Data Visualization Tools
·         Executive Information Systems
·         Vertical Applications
·         Horizontal Applications
·         Internet Enabling Tools

Glass House
DBA and Designer
End-user/Decision Maker

Data Marts

A Data Mart is information pertaining to a smaller department or line of business or a product within an organization, while a DW is a sum total of these smaller data marts or departments in an organization. So vendors are going for a bottoms-up approach of starting off projects with smaller data marts. The average cost of a departmental data mart is anywhere between Rs.30 lakhs to Rs. 40 lakhs as opposed to a full fledged DW which costs upwards of Rs. 1 Crore. Besides, an organization can get results on investment of a data mart even before the project is completed. Justifying this is a 1997 study published by International Data Corporation, describing 62 companies of all sizes and in different industry segments that had implemented a DW solution. The results of the Study revealed a mean ROI of 400%. While companies which implemented Data Marts showed an average ROI of 600%.

Data Mining

Data Mining is the operation of digging out critical data from within an organization's stored information for better decision support. It goes one step beyond data warehousing. Data Mining or Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD), as it is also called, is defined as

·         The non-trivial extraction of implicit, previously unknown and potentially useful information from data.

While a DW helps in analysis, data mining enables
·         clustering of data
·         data summarization
·         learning classification rules
·         finding dependency networks
·         analyzing changes and detecting anomalies

Data Mining identifies and characterizes inter-relationships among multi-variable dimensions analyzed single dimension at a time.

Steps in the Data Mining Process

·         Selection
·         Preprocessing
·         Transformation
·         Data Mining
·         Interpretation
·         Evaluation

Some techniques used in data mining

·         Associations
·         Affinity Tables
·         Segmentation or Clustering
·         Modeling
·         Visualization

Multidimensional models



·         Organize data by the primary lines of business - called Dimensions in DW parlance. For example a Retail model will present all the necessary facts and measures by store, product and time - the 3 dimensions of the business

·         Users analyze the data by manipulating a dimension without changing the criteria for any other dimension

·         Within each dimension, the user can decide the level of aggregation for a report

·         Allow multidimensional analysis


A Dimension consists of one or more Attributes i.e. it is

·         A logical grouping of elements or items within a dimension i.e. Levels within a Dimension
·         Categories or classes of elements that have the same logical level within a dimension

Attribute Functionality/Purpose

·         Allows users to define aggregation level for data
·         Allows users to present data grouped by one or more attributes

Attribute Relationship Rules

Attributes within a dimension are
·         directly related to each other through relationship tables
·         indirectly related through other attributes within the same dimension

Attributes in different dimensions are
·         directly related to each other only through a Fact or an intersection of dimension


Facts are data necessary for business analysis, means of monitoring business performance key business factors. They are basically business measurements, data, and variables. They are all put into Fact Tables.

Facts are of two types
·         Raw or Base Fact (fact metric)
·         Derived or calculated metric (compound metric)

Base Facts

·         Will exist as columns in Fact Tables
·         Will come from different source systems
·         May have diff. Levels of granularity (eg. Sales tracked by day, stocks tracked by week)

If some facts are independent of dimension,
·         They are not keyed by that dimension
·         They require a separate fact table with different key structures

Derived or Calculated Metrics

·         Built from one or more base metrics (eg. Sales$/sales units = Avg SP)
·         Can handle only very simple arithmetical calculations

Mapping Logical Model to Physical Schema

A Schema is
·         a diagrammatic representation of the structure or framework of something
·         a logical and physical definition of data elements, physical characteristics and inter-relationships

Examples of Schemas - Tables, Views, Synonyms, Sequences, Snapshots, Indexes

Components of a  Table (Schema)

·         Table Structures  - table names, column names, column data types
·         Primary Key definitions
·         Foreign Key definitions


·         Source system feeds
·         Refresh and update memory
·         Primary and secondary index definitions

Schema (Table)  Building Process

·         Construct Table Definitions for all components of the Dimensional model including attributes, relationships and metrics
·         Examine strategies for optimizing performance
·         Take into account source system feeds, data refresh & update frequency, usage profiles

Table Types

·         Lookup tables - contain ID columns and DESC col. (if any) of attributes
·         Relationship Tables - contain ID columns of 2 or more attributes defining associations between them
·         Fact Tables -  contain fact columns & attribute ID columns, thereby defining ssociations between them

Columns are fields holding attribute and fact data within tables
·         Attributes and metrics correspond to columns
·         Attribute elements and metric values correspond to rows within columns

Column Types

Attribute ID Columns
·         Contain attribute element identification codes
·         Are reqd. for all attributes
·         Are typically and preferably numeric (processed more rapidly than text)

Attribute Desc. Columns
·         Contains attribute element's text desc.
·         Are optional for all attributes

Fact Column
·         Are numeric
·         Are usually additive in nature
·         Contain business performance data - eg. - sales, inventory, revenue

Combined Lookup/Relationship Tables

·         Combining tables is done to optimize query performance by minimising table joins
·         Multiple parental relationships may be defined ina single lookup table to reduce table joins further
·         Parent-child relationship should always be included in child lookup tables unless the concerned relationship is many to many, in which case, a separate distinct relationship table must exist.

Creating Fact Tables

·         For each set of facts, a fact table is reqd.
·         Fact tables contain one attribute key for each relevant dimension
·         One column for each fact or metric

Fact tables consist of
·         Data columns and attribute keys which
·         Define the level of data and the relevant dimensions

Fact Table Keys

·         Primary Key (PK) of the fact table will be compound and composed of the attribute key
·         Each attribute key is a foreign key referencing the PK of the attribute's lookup table

Basic Normalized Schema

·         Consists of one or more lookup tables (for one or more attributes) per dimension
·         Lookup tables must hold all the information for the attributes in that dimension
·         Fact tables will exist at the intersection of the dimension lookup tables
·         Fact table will typically be the largest table in the DW

Schema Characteristics

·         Fully supports multi-dimensional reporting
·         Fully normalized - smallest tables, no redundant data
·         Each attribute has only one lookup table
·         Queries including higher level attributes will contain more joins

Basic Denormalized Strategies

·         Higher level attribute information( eg. For period, year, region, dept) is denormalized (included in) down to the lower level attribute lookup table
·         No. of joins will be reduced
·         Shows only lowest level attribute lookups

Schema Characteristics

·         Fully supports multi-dimensional reporting
·         Unique lookups for only lowest level attributes
·         No. of joins in the average query minimized
·         Size of the lower level lookup tables increase with the addition of higher level attribute information

Logical Data Model (LDM)

Consolidated Star Schemas


General Characteristics

·         One Table for One Dimension
·         Every Dimension will have a Generic Key
·         Every Dimension will have a Level

Fact Table Types

·         Consolidated (Class in the above eg.)
·         Atomic data only (Item in the above eg.)


·         Most common fact table structure
·         Fact tables contain base table data as well as aggregate data for every possible level of aggregation (items consolidated into class, class into dept. etc.)
·         In table aggregation : storing aggregate data in the same table as atomic level data. Eg. Storing Store, Market, Region level info within the same fact table(aggregation table also available in fact table)

Atomic data only

·         Fact tables contain only one level of data per table (lower most level only)
·         No table aggregation

Consolidated Star Schema (1)
Consolidated Star Schema (2)
Consolidated Star Schema (3)

Lookup Tables
·         Every Dimension will have a Generic Key ID and DESC
·         Only 1 table for 1 Dimension
·         Every Attribute will have  only ID, no DESC
·         Has a LEVEL field (for easier analysis between attributes)
·         Lowest Level of Denormalization


Fact Table
·         Has only one Fact Table
·         Fact Table will have ONLY KEYS, not Ids
·         No LEVELS in Fact Table



·         Unable to display multiple attribute descriptions from the same dimension on the same report
·         Extra processing outside of the database may be required to produce the desired report
·         Because there is only one desc. Column in the dimension table, to get desired reports, additional self-joins would be reqd which can be a costly affair

Lookup Tables
·         Every Dimension will have a Generic Key ID only
·         Only 1 table for 1 Dimension
·         Every Attribute will have  only DESC, no ID
·         Has a LEVEL field (for easier analysis between attributes)


Fact Table
·         Has only one Fact Table
·         Fact Table will have ONLY KEYS, not Ids
·         No LEVELS in Fact Table


·         Able to display multiple attribute descriptions from the same dimension on the same report


·         Only attribute desc is there. Querying can be only on characters, so query takes more time (querying on numeric fields is faster)

Lookup Tables
·         Every Dimension will have a Generic Key ID only
·         Only 1 table for 1 Dimension
·         Every Attribute will have  both ID and DESC
·         Has a LEVEL field (for easier analysis between attributes)
·         Highest level of Denormalization


Fact Table
·         Has only one Fact Table
·         Fact Table will have ONLY KEYS, not Ids
·         No LEVELS in Fact Table


·         Combines (1) and (2), hence eliminates disadvantages of the two


Normalized Star Schema

Fact Tables

·         Only store one level of fact data per table
·         Never any table aggregation
·         Aggregate tables(and atomic level tables) contain the attribute ID of the attribute for which the table holds data

Sparsely Aggregated vs. Densely Aggregated Schemas

Consolidation at higher attributes  - Densely Aggregated
Consolidation at lower/lower-most attributes(few aggrn. tables) - Sparsely Aggregated

Normalized Schema is mostly used and preferred because it allows many to many relationships

Normalized Star Schema (1)
Normalized Star Schema (2)

Normalized Star Schema (3)

Lookup Tables
·         has unique attribute ID and DESC
·         CHILD table will have Immediate PARENT ID (as foreign key) only

Fact Tables
·         Contains only one level of data
·         Only Atomic Level Ids are taken in the fact table


·         Minimal Storage

·         Additional Table Joins reqd.

Lookup Tables
·         has unique attribute ID and DESC
·         CHILD table will have GRAND PARENT ID and PARENT ID

Fact Tables
·         Contains only one level of data
·         Only Atomic Level IDs are taken in the fact table


·         Denormalized ID
·         Redundant Storage but reduces no. of joins necessary to relate child to grandparent relationship
·         Additional table joins reqd. to present parent and child relationship on reports

It is most preferred because of
·         Optimum Storage
·         Optimum performance
·         Query is faster because of aggregation. In the aggregated table, we have a preset of a set of total values

Lookup Tables
·         has unique attribute ID
·         has attribute DESC

Fact Tables
·         Contains only one level of data
·         Only Atomic Level Ids are taken in the fact table


·         Denormalized ID and DESC
·         Requires most amount of storage but eliminates need to query more than one attribute table per dimension, to display multiple attributes on the same report

Consolidated Star Schema
(Star Schema)
Normalized Star Schema
(Snowflake Schema)

·         Small No. of tables

·         Easy to understand

·         Easy to write SQL (fewer joins)
·         Level concept present

·         Supports only 1:M relationships, not M:M relationships
·         Fact table not scalable with 'In table' aggregation. Only one aggregation table

·         Lookup tables not scalable, as number of attributes within a dimension increases as well as no. elements within each attribute
·         Lookup tables are larger

·         More no. of tables (incl. Lookup tables) - query, performance slower
·         More complicated schema (Grand parent, Parent etc.)
·         Harder to write SQL (many joins)
·         No level concept

·         Supports M:M relationships

·         Aggregate data stored in separate aggregation tables (faster access and easy to maintain). This is preferred when a Manager wants to query by Region instead of store.
·         Flexible and scalable

·         Lookup tables are smaller but more no. of lookup tables

Methodologies for creating DWs

There are several methodologies used in designing the DW models such as

·         Entity Relationship Model
·         Star Schema
·         Snowflake Schema
·         Persistent Multi-dimensional Stores
·         Summary tables

The two most popular methods of designing the DW physical models are

·         Star Schema and
·         Snowflake Schema

Differences between Star Schema and Snow Flake Schema

·         One Fact (Major) table and many Dimension (Minor) Tables
·         Appearance of a Star, with the major table in the center and dimension tables connected to it by radial lines
·         The Fact table stores the Primary Key for all Dimensional tables
·         Eg. If Sales is a Fact Table, Customer, Product, Time and Store are dimensions
·         Easy to define, reduces the no. of physical joins and provides simple metadata
·         Star Schemas are best used in where aggregation queries are not involved

·         Has Normalized Dimension tables, by attribute level
·         Each smaller dimension table points to an appropriate aggregated Fact table
·         Each Dimension table has one key for each level of dimension's hierarchy.
·         he lowest level, for eg. The Store key of Store dimension will join the Store Fact table, which will also have Product and Time keys
·         Slightly more complicated. A practical way is to start with a Star Schema and create Snowflakes with queries.
·         Snowflake Schemas provide best performance when queries involve aggregation

Important Target Industries

Banking and Finance, Retail, Telecom and FMCG are in the forefront of using DW technology because they are already in a highly competitive environment. Typically, DW is seen as a need in markets where it is not the product but the customer who decides the volume and the market in these segments, and where geography and time are not constraining entities.

Petroleum/derivatives, shipping and transport, power, metals manufacturing and fabrication have implemented data Marts.

Increasing use of Business Intelligence

Among the largest solutions segments where business intelligence is being used are

·         Customer Relationship Management
·         Cross selling and effective promotion/campaign management
·         Fraud and delinquency detection
·         Financial and Sales Analysis and Forecasting
·         Supply Chain Management
·         Human Resource management

Long Term benefits of a DW

·         Standardization of data across the organization and improvement in transaction systems by removing inconsistency
·         A single repository of market survey data - that spans across time and product groups  can be built
·         Quick and Flexible reporting
·         Better monitoring of brand performance in terms of market shares, percentage growth
·         An integrated data source for ad hoc querying and reporting
·         Direct access of decision makers to relevant business information
·         Continuos feedback to Planners and Management about deviation from plans

Typical Problems in implementation

·         Non availability/wide disparity of data, being on different hardware platforms and operating systems
·         Very often. Data is 'unclean' and thus extraction, transformation and cleansing of data becomes a challenge
·         Non availability of customer audit data

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